Pattaya Weather

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Pattaya's Weather Today

This page shows a summary of the data since midnight Pattaya local time.

Today's data

Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature 29.8 °C at 08:36
Low Temperature 27.4 °C at 02:25
Temperature Range 2.4 °C  
High Apparent Temperature 37.2 °C at 08:24
Low Apparent Temperature 34.3 °C at 02:25
Low Wind Chill 27.4 °C at 02:25
High Heat Index 38.2 °C at 08:36
High Humidity 92 % at 02:40
Low Humidity 84 % at 08:04
Rainfall Today 0.0 mm  
Rainfall Rate Max 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall 0.0 mm at 00:00
Days Since Last Dry Day 4  
Days Since It Last Rained 0  
Highest Gust 12.9 km/h at 07:35
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 3.5 km/h (F1) at 08:37
Wind Run 3.0 km  
Dominant Direction 187° S  
High Pressure (SL) 1007.52 hPa at 08:43
Low Pressure (SL) 1005.66 hPa at 02:42


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